We are excited to introduce the new DELTA Living Like Jesus Video Lessons!

God provided us with a unique opportunity to teach God’s Word to children in a socially-distanced learning environment. In light of COVID-19, many churches have to operate their children’s ministry differently in the coming Fall depending on the needs of their community. Therefore, after prayer and planning, we are filming DELTA Living Like Jesus Bible Exploration lessons!

24 video lessons will correspond with each Bible exploration from our newest year of our DELTA curriculum, Living Like Jesus. Each lesson is presented by our DELTA Guide, Luke Forscher. Our hope for these video lessons is to create something easy to use to help children continue to learn the Word of God and form Church community. In spite of the recent circumstances of this pandemic, Pioneer Clubs is still producing fun and theologically sound material for children’s ministries across the globe.

To view a sample of our video, watch the video below.

Your Pioneer Club can use these videos in the classroom, in a Zoom Call with break-out sessions to follow up with the discussion, by sending a link via email to families, or posting the video to your church’s website.

Many of you know that the name of this club stands for Disciples Equipped for Life, Transformation and Action – which is our desire for every child! Our simple, convenient and cost-effective program is perfect for reaching kids in both your church and your community for Christ. DELTA can be used for weekly club programs, children’s church, Sunday children’s ministry, summer church camp or any time!

To see more information about our DELTA curriculum, CLICK HERE.

To view the videos on the online store, CLICK HERE.

To stay updated about these videos and when new ones are released, CLICK HERE.