Shine a spotlight on your Pioneer Clubs program!

On the first Sunday of February (or a date that fits your church), join churches across the country in celebrating Pioneer Clubs Sunday! By participating in this important event, you and your club members get the opportunity to:

  • show parents and church family what club is all about,
  • let kids in the congregation that don’t attend club see how fun it is,
  • help your congregation catch a vision for how Pioneer Clubs transforms young lives and teaches kids to put Christ in every aspect of life.
  • provide your congregation with an opportunity to support your club,
  • provide an opportunity for the kids of your club to support the Kids4Kids Cuba initiative to reach children in Cuba for Christ through Pioneer Clubs.

Whether your club presentation takes the entire worship service or just five minutes to share some stories and details about club during a service, click the button below for ideas to spark your creativity.

Pioneer Clubs Sunday Service Ideas