As the Director of Development for Pioneer Clubs, I have the awesome privilege of reading amazing testimonials from various club coordinators and former club members. The more testimonials I read, the more I realize just how mightily God works to touch the tender hearts of children for Jesus Christ. I have also noticed just how intricately God works through so many different coordinators to transform the lives of precious children all across this country and beyond.

Here is a testimonial a coordinator shared with one of our sales representatives:

“In one meeting Lisa (coordinator) challenged her girls to pray for their parents; one of the girls, who had an abusive dad and chronically ill mom, started praying that day. Fast-forward to today: the mom is out from under the abusive relationship, has a vibrant faith, and now serves as the Director of Women’ Ministry at church. She and her daughter still like to talk about how the girl’s prayers turned things around.”

Because a child learned about the power of prayer and prayed for her parents, two lives were eternally transformed. I am sure there are hundreds of testimonials we never hear about, but the Lord knows!

I would like to take this opportunity to applaud all of the club coordinators who work tirelessly to teach, guide, and lead our children. The precious time you give to your club preparations, the energy you use to teach young kids the living word of God, and the grace and patience you extend to your students does not go unnoticed. God in His infinite wisdom knows your heart and your work. He will reward you for all that you do for His glory!

Thank you so much for your giving spirit!