Leader To-Do List

  • Be sure to let each club member know how much you enjoyed having him or her in club this year.
  • Work with your coordinator and leaders to plan an end-of-year celebration.
  • Make a list of suggestions for the next club year based on your experiences this year serving in club. Share them with your coordinator.
  • Invent goofy “special” awards for the kids to present at your end-of-year celebration such as the goofiest expression award, helpful picker-upper award, funniest joke award, etc.
  • Share ideas on how to stay in touch with club members over the summer.
  • Pass out club surveys to the parents of the club members in your group to get their feedback on club.
  • Encourage club members to think about which friends they’d like to bring to club next year. If they start talking to their friends now about how much they enjoy club, their friends will have all summer to get interested and excited.
  • If your club didn’t celebrate “half-birthdays” during the club year for kids with summer birthdays, consider having a group birthday celebration at your last meeting of the club year.

Coordinator To-Do List

  • Finalize plans for end-of-the-year celebration.
  • Print certificates to celebrate club members’ participation at the end-of-the-year celebration.
  • Begin to recruit volunteers for summer or fall.
  • Plan to promote club at summer church events, such as VBS. Create a take-home flyer or make a short presentation to kids and parents.
  • Have your leaders and volunteers fill out an evaluation of the club year and plan to incorporate suggested changes into the next club year.
  • Plan a volunteer appreciation event for all their terrific service in Pioneer Clubs!
  • Meet with your pastor or children’s ministry team and review the highlights of the previous club year.

    Did any club members bring their families to church?

    Did any children make a decision to follow Jesus?

    Did your club membership grow?

    Did leaders enjoy serving?

    This can help your pastor and children’s ministry director see the value of a strong weekly club program.