
  • Finalize any holiday plans for your own club. Why not post them on the Pioneer Clubs Facebook page to give other leaders ideas? Or tag us on Twitter!
  • Help your club members make or plan a thank-you for your co-leader(s) for Thanksgiving, such as singing a special song for them or taking a group photo and having everyone sign it.
  • Have your club members write thank-you notes to parents, thanking them for letting them come to club and telling them one thing they like about it.
  • Have you given your coordinator a list of the units and activities your club will be working on this year? Do this soon so that you get your awards when you need them.


  • Hold a quarterly committee meeting to review calendar events and evaluate the year to date.
  • Plan a Christmas thank-you for club leaders, such as a card, gift, or coffee time.
  • Help club leaders coordinate special holiday events for their individual clubs so you don’t end up with conflicting dates for parents with children in more than one age group.
  • Plan an all-club award ceremony either as a part of a church service or in place of your regular club meeting.
  • Make sure parents, club members, and club leaders are aware of any upcoming club schedule changes due to the holiday season.

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