Set Rules

These are an important basis for good club management.

  • Have no more than five rules. If you have more than that, the kids will forget them.
  • State rules positively: “Only one person talks at a time” rather than “No talking out of turn.” “Use indoor voices” instead of “No shouting or screaming in the hallways.”
  • Keep rules understandable and observable: “Bring your handbook and Bible and your club outfit to the meeting.” “Keep your hands and your feet to yourself.”
  • Make the rules age-appropriate. Check the age-characteristics chart in the front your leader planbook. A first or second grader’s understanding will vary widely from a fifth or sixth grader.
  • Review the rules with the whole group regularly (or after a long break, such as Christmas or spring break). You might have club members draw pictures to represent the rules. Then hang the pictures in club.

Create Ownership

Allow the kids, especially the older ones, to help choose the rules. A respectful style of discipline allows children to get involved. And when they are allowed to give input, they will probably be more likely to follow the rules. Ownership leads to a spirit of cooperation and teamwork. Often children can size up a situation and offer their own creative problem-solving suggestions. Don’t underestimate their role.