When you give them choices, your congregation can be a great source of potential volunteers.

Maybe you have a special event coming up in club, and you need a few more adult helpers. Or it could be one of the upcoming activity awards is keeping you up at night because it is totally outside your area of expertise. These are perfect opportunities to get people from your congregation involved.

Your church’s congregation may be filled with potential helpers. There are people who may not want to volunteer weekly, but would be happy to assist every so often. So get the word out about club. Keep it on their minds. Then ask for specific help. After all, people don’t volunteer if they don’t know there’s a need.

Keep Club on their Minds

The more you raise the visibility of Pioneer Clubs in your church, the more people will aware of what you’re doing and may want to be involved. Here’s how:

Interviews in the bulletin. Ask for some space in the church bulletin once or twice a month and run a brief interview with a club member, along with his or her picture. Ask the child what he or she likes about club and what’s being learned about Jesus.

Pioneer Clubs Sunday. Plan ways to spotlight your club before the church on the first Sunday of February (or a date of your choice). Club members could usher or pass out bulletins. They could sing a song. You could tell what you see God doing in club. Visit our website for lots more ideas.

Award Show-and-Tell. Plan a time in a Sunday service for club members to explain an award they worked on and what they learned from God about it.

Bulletin board. Ask for space on a bulletin board in a prominent spot in church. Post pictures not only of club members’ smiling faces but also of club members in action—reading their Bible, playing a game, working in their handbook. This will give the congregation a taste of club.

Ask for Specific Help

Now that you have Pioneer Clubs on people’s minds, ask for help. Create a survey to put in the church bulletin. Try something like this:

“As a church, we have an exciting opportunity you could get involved in!”

Every week our Pioneer Clubs leaders help kids ages ___ to ___ have fun and get to know Jesus. From time to time, they could use your help. You can make a difference for kids with a small time commitment. Please fill out the questionnaire below, tear it off and leave it in the offering plate.


Yes, I can help in Pioneer Clubs! I am willing to:

☐ Provide refreshments

☐ Chaperone a special event

☐ Be a Pal* for a child

☐ Role play a Bible character

☐ Take pictures/video of club

☐ Help plan special events

☐ Show appreciation to club leaders

☐ Help kids with an activity award project

☐ Share a skill/hobby/culture with club members

☐ Help with transportation

☐ Coordinate supplies for leaders

☐ Be a prayer pal for a club leader

☐ Be a “room helper”

☐ Coordinate award badges

☐ Gather club news

☐ Lead games

☐ Lead music


Skills/hobbies/cultures I can share:




I’m willing to help:

☐ Once a month

☐ Once a quarter

☐ When needed

☐ Other: _________________________________

Contact __________________ @ __________________ for more information.

Thank you!


*A Pioneer Clubs Pal is an adult in the church who is matched with a club member(s) for friendship and prayer.

These ideas can help you meet specific needs you have in club and are great for getting volunteers for special events. But don’t be surprised if you find some people become regular club leaders once they interact with your kids and experience what God is doing through your club. From what we hear from churches—it happens all the time!