Bible Exploration

This is the time of year that people show they care about each other by sending valentines.

  • What are some other ways that your family and friends have shown that they love you? [Let family members respond.]

Friends and family can show that they love you in many different ways. Just like your friends and family—God loves you, too and shows His love in many ways.

  • What are some of the ways God shows you that He loves you? [God created this world to enjoy, gave us families, listens to our prayers when we’re in trouble or afraid, etc.]
  • God showed us He loved us in an even greater way. Do you know what that is? [Read verse.]

Jesus is like God’s Valentine to us and the greatest way that Jesus showed His love for you was by dying to take the punishment for your sins. He came back to life and wants to forgive you and help you and be your special kind of friend. And Jesus is making a special place for you to live with Him forever in heaven. Now that’s love!

So next time you see a valentine, just think about God’s valentine to you—Jesus!

Memory Verse

1 John 4:10


Dear God, thank You for loving us so much! Thank You for all the ways you care for us like listening to our prayers, protecting us and providing for our needs. But thank You most of all for sending Jesus to be our Savior and friend. Help us to remember every day how much You love us and help us to love others the way You first loved us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Ideas To Do as a Family

  • Write a family prayer of thanks to God for His love. Keep it where it will be read often.
  • Create a poster together showing how God has shown His love and care for you as a family. Write the memory verse on the poster and hang it where you will see it often.
  • Show love for each other by making valentines for friends or family members. Write something that you appreciate about that person on the valentine.
  • Make popcorn and other treats and have a family movies night. View new and old family movies of trips, birthdays and other events and talk about the fun you had. Option: look through a family photo album and discuss the photos together.