To put aside His place in heaven and be born as a baby, Jesus demonstrated just how much He loved us. And what a great time of year to remind your club members how much they mean to Him and how they can know Him as their Savior. Try one or two of these ideas for sharing the “tidings of comfort and joy.”

Candy Hugs

Give club members a little gift bag filled with Hershey’s Hugs. Tie a note on the bag that says, “Hugs from Jesus and me! With your family, practice looking up John 3:16. Have each family member say it, substituting his or her name for ‘the world’ and ‘whoever.’”

Manger Scene

Bring a nativity set to club at the beginning of December. Have children set it up, with Mary and Joseph away from the manger. In every club meeting, have the children move them closer to the stable. Talk about why Jesus was born and how that shows His great love for us. In the last club meeting before Christmas, have club members move Mary and Joseph into the stable and place baby Jesus in the manger.

Carol Singing

Set aside some time in a regular club meeting to sing a few Christmas carols. End with “Joy to the World.”

  • Why is it joyful that Jesus came to earth? (He came to show us how much God loves us; He came to grow up and die for us so the wrong things we do can be forgiven.)
  • What do you think it means when we sing, “Let every heart prepare Him room?” Talk about how accepting Jesus into our heart means inviting Him into our life and becoming God’s child. Talk about how to do that.

As the Holy Spirit leads, pray a prayer for salvation (look for one in a salvation meeting in your leader plan book), and have children repeat it silently or softly if it says what they want to say to Jesus.

Talks That Teach Devotional

The “Gifts” talk presents why Jesus came to earth and tells kids how they can accept Him as Savior. It would work well at a special event. Talks That Teach object lessons is available through Pioneer Clubs (item #2725).

This season, make Pioneer Clubs the perfect place to get across the real meaning of Christmas to your kids.