Enjoy God’s creation with these outdoor summer games.

Don’t Laugh Now

Age-Group: Pre-K+
Number of Players: 3+

Players sit in a circle. Toss an inflated balloon into the air. While the balloon is in the air, the players laugh, but once it touches the ground, all laughter must stop. Players caught laughing after the balloon has touched the ground hop around the circle of players. (For older kids, choose other stunts.)

From Funtastic Games (Item #2722).

Water Balloon Sandwich

Age-Group: K+
Number of Players: 6+

Players pair up and stand back to back at the starting line. Place a water balloon between their backs. At the signal, each pair heads for the finish line. If the balloon pops or drops, they have to return to the starting line for a replacement.

From Games Galore (Item #2724).

Drip, Drip, Drop

Age-Group: K+
Number of Players: 6+

Have players sit in a circle, with IT standing on the outside. Put a small amount of water in a cup. Play like Duck, Duck, Goose, except that instead of saying, “Goose,” IT dumps the water onto the chosen player’s head. Have a bucket nearby to replenish after each turn.

Variation: For a dry version, put small torn up pieces of paper (or confetti) in a cup.

From Games Galore (Item #2724).