More often than not, what a person decides about truth, sin, forgiveness and eternal consequences during the preteen years is the same perspective that person carries to the grave….

George Barna, Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions

In his book, Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions, George Barna discusses research that led him to the conclusion that ministry to children should be a church’s #1 priority. Investing in children’s lives, he says, is the way to have the most lasting influence on the world. We agree!

Just why are children–and ministry to children–so important?

  • God says children are highly important to him. Just think of Jesus’ words in Matthew 18:5-6: “…Whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”
  • Each child is unique and has special gifts. Each child is created by God, in his image, to do special things in the world, both now and later as adults. The church and the world need children in order to continue–and they need children of high morals and Christian character in order to continue well.
  • People tend to make up their minds about God early in life. Children are impressionable. They soak up the beliefs and opinions around them–opinions (good or bad) about themselves, God, and the world. Barna writes, “Most children are bombarded with cues regarding their eternal condition and fate, and they develop a rather deeply held perspective on the matter prior to entering high school.” Children need us to “catch” them in time to give them the truth.

Since you are ministering to kids, you know children matter! We appreciate you and want your church to do so, too! Why not plan one or more things for this fall to help your church’s leaders and congregation get behind you and make children’s ministry a top priority?