More than forty years ago Pioneer Clubs broke ground for a new headquarters building. The needs of the ministry had outlived its facility at that time and a new building was constructed that served the ministry for four decades.

However, our ministry has changed substantially over those years and so has our facility requirements. In May we closed on the sale of our building and moved into new offices that are better suited for our current ministry needs. It was a major undertaking and we are still in the process of “settling in.”

As you can imagine a move of this magnitude has created some challenges. One of the biggest has been working out our new warehouse and distribution operation. We appreciate the patience some of our ministry partners have shown during this process. Over the past month we have worked through most of the details—and glitches—in the system. We are confident that come the late summer months we will be operating smoothly.

With the sale of our building, new financial resources are now available to us. We are in the process of developing new programs and materials to keep the Pioneer Clubs’ programs relevant and appealing to today’s children. A second VBS program is in the works and we continue to expand our new DELTA program.

We are excited about the future and look forward to partnering with you for years to come!