Turkey Follow the Leader

Age-Group: K+
Number of Players: 4+

Players stand one behind the other, each holding onto the waist of the person directly in front. The first person in line is the leader and decides how the turkey will move: skipping, duckwalking, hopping on one foot, etc. Each time the leader changes motions, all players do the same without letting go. After a set period of time, the leader goes to the end of the line and the second person becomes the leader.

Feed the Turkey

Age-Group: K+
Number of Players: Any

Play in pairs. Blindfold each player, and give each a small bowl of Cheerios. At your signal, partners start feeding Cheerios to each other. Their goal is to feed each other all the Cheerios in their bowl. (Emphasize that this isn’t a race.) After a minute or so, call time. Let players take off their blindfolds and see how many Cheerios are left, and finish them off.

Feathers Flying

Age-Group: Any
Number of Players: Any

Begin with half the number of feathers as there are people in the group. The object is for the players to blow the feathers to keep them flying. When players get accomplished at keeping the feathers flying, add two more feathers.  Keep adding two more feathers every minute or so. See how many the group can keep flying at one time.