Well, hopefully for many clubs the warmer weather is finally here! This brings an opportunity to take your club kids outdoors to worship and praise God through His creation. Remind them of Romans 1:20 where God’s invisible qualities, power and nature can be understood through the things He has made. Make a point of asking your kids what they can learn about Him through items they find in nature. The following tips, Bible study ideas, projects and activities will get you started and can be used all through the warmer weather months.

Do a Bible Exploration on creation. Have club members read Matthew 6:26, Luke 12:6-7. Ask questions such as: How does God show that He cares about His creation? How do we know that we are valuable to God? Or have your club members read Psalm 104:10-17, 24. Ask them why they think the psalm writer said God was wise when He created the world around us. How can we show God that we are thankful for the plants and animals he has given us?

Go outside. Now that it’s warmer, consider having a special club meeting outside. Children love the outdoors and you can teach them about God’s creation while doing something fun like a Bible times picnic. Serve the foods that people may have eaten in the Bible, like unleavened bread (matzah) and honey, dates or raisins and grape juice. Serve your picnic on a blanket spread out on the ground. Discuss the creation you see around you.

Alternate between active and inactive teaching approaches. Read the biblical account of creation (Genesis 1-2:3). Then have the children role play the parts of creation—one child is light, another darkness—separate them; other children can be water, land, plants, animals, etc.

Try a nature project. Bring the outside indoors with an indoor greenhouse. You will need 2 clear 2-liter milk bottles, sand, soil, seeds, and scissors. Cut one bottle so that the bottom is about 4 inches (10 cm) high. This is the base. Cut the second bottle so the bottom is about 9 inches (23 cm) high. This is the lid. Put a small amount of sand in bottom of base. Add soil and seeds, and water them. Squeeze the lid over the base to create your own greenhouse. Put in a sunny place, and wait for plants to appear.

Bring your game time outside. When it’s time to play games at Pioneer Clubs—go outside! Play “Fishing” where two players form a “net” by clasping both hands. They then try to catch a “fish” (another player) in this net. When they catch one, the three of them form a net or circle. When they catch a fourth player, the four of them become two nets. This continues until all the “fish” are caught. Limit the playing area so that the fish will not be too scattered. (Game from Games GaloreItem #2724 in the catalog or online store.)