Help kids develop pride in the country’s flag. Teach and practice proper procedure for displaying the nation’s flag.

Begin with a demonstration of the do’s and don’ts of handling and displaying the flag in your home. Use a towel to demonstrate what to do, but have a real flag on hand to show proper display and handling techniques. Discuss the importance of the flag as a symbol of the country. The information below is a guide to the display and handling of the United States and Canadian flags.

Display the United States Flag

When to Display the Flag

  • From sunrise to sunset.
  • On all national and state holidays.
  • NOT on days of bad weather.

How to Display the Flag

  • Hoist it briskly and lower it ceremoniously.
  • Make sure it’s hanging free – not touching anything below it.
    • On an upright flagstaff (Blue field is always at top of staff.)
    • On a flagstaff at an angle from a building. (Blue field is always at top of staff.)
    • On a wall or from a porch. (Blue field is to the left, as viewed by spectators.)
  • Above any other flag. If you must fly it on the same level, the other flag(s) should be to the right.
  • NOT draped over anything as a decoration (except a casket).

After Displaying the Flag, Fold It Carefully

  • Fold it in half the long way, bringing the striped half up over the blue field.
  • Fold it in half the long way again.
  • Hold the flag so the blue field is facing up.
  • Fold the lower striped corner up to form a triangle.
  • Fold another triangle.
  • Keep folding triangle until you have a single triangle of blue field.
  • Tuck end inside the triangle.


  • Attach anything to the flag – picture, insignia, or letter.
  • Use the flag to carry something in it.
  • Display the flag in any way that would easily damage it.

Worn-Out Flags

  • Flags do wear out. When your flag does, destroy it completely in a dignified way such as burning.

Display the Flag of Canada

When to Display the Flag

  • During the daylight hours – from sunrise to sunset.
  • At night on special occasions if illuminated.

How to Display the Flag

  • On a separate flagstaff from territorial or provincial flags.
  • To the left of a territorial or provincial flag as seen by the audience.
  • Above a non-territorial flag, if it’s impossible to fly it separately.
  • Hung horizontally or vertically from a wall or porch.


  • Display the flag below any other flag.
  • Drape the flag as decoration over anything (except a casket).
  • Let the flag touch the floor or the ground.

Worn-Out Flags

If your flag becomes faded or worn, it should be disposed of quietly and without ceremony by burning.