
  • Arrange for the set up of your club room.
  • Add all of your club members’ names to your group’s attendance chart.
  • Review discipline procedures with your coordinator and co-leader.
  • Consider having welcome information to send home with new club members or to give to their parents.
  • Plan several “get to know you” games so club members will feel more like a group. Play them over several club meetings.
  • Begin to get club members excited about any upcoming special events (Pumpkin Party, Thanksgiving, etc.) and have a club calendar or other information available.
  • Be sure to put in your award orders for the end of the unit awards. Let your coordinator know if you will need any additional materials for new club members.
  • Consider sending an email or a note home with club members letting parents know all the exciting things you’ll be doing in club this month.
  • Make a list of club member prayer requests and share them with other leaders and your coordinator so that you can pray for the kids.
  • Are you new to leading? Consider seeking out someone to mentor you in leading club. Think through current leaders and “retired” leaders.
  • Listen to your club members’ comments and answers during Bible Exploration and Bible Memory times to find out what they know about the Bible, God, and salvation. Then tailor the content of upcoming meetings to fill in the gaps in their knowledge.
  • Using the skill activity directions laid out in the kids’ handbooks will provide your kids with a wide variety of experiences in different areas. If you’d rather personalize your skill activity choices more, ask questions about your kids’ interests and choose skill activities accordingly. You might make a list of topics you and your co-leaders are willing to do and then let club members vote.


  • Ask your pastor to dedicate club leaders during a worship service.
  • Conduct leader training. Be sure that all leaders have filled out a volunteer application, had a background check completed, and know your church’s security and safety policies and procedures.
  • Announce club in Sunday school and church services and use our “Join the Fun” promo bulletin inserts/handouts, which are available online.
  • If you haven’t already, call 800-694-2582 to register TODAY! Or register for your clubs online here.
  • Make sure you and your leaders are signed up for our FREE monthly Tips & Tools e-newsletter.
  • Order additional club materials as needed by calling 800-694-2582 or through the Pioneer Clubs Online Shop.
  • Assign Pals to club members.
  • Add your club leaders to the church prayer list.
  • Inform parents of club goals, registration details, and upcoming special events. Have a club calendar available online to hand out. Use this club member registration form or choose an online tool.
  • Plan a Kids4Kids Hike to raise money to support Pioneer Club’s ministry in Cuba or another missions opportunity your church supports.
  • Visit your club leaders while club is in session. Watch for how they’re handling discipline issues so you can decide if anyone needs more training.
  • Also, watch for how club leaders are using Bible Exploration times, the club members’ handbooks, and skill activity times. Give them feedback, as necessary, to help them develop good habits right from the start.